, , Locomotive Elettriche

The E 652-076 & E 652-059 locomotives at the Brennero / Brenner station on July 5, 1992. Both machines are from the first, hundred-piece production series and were made by ABB Trazione. Machine No. 076 was delivered to FS on November 5, 1991 and it serves at the Divisione Cargo in the Udine depot. Number 059 was delivered on October 31, 1990, serves at the Divisione passeggeri regionale and belongs to the Verona depot

Autore: Ludek Stepanek
Raccontaci qualcosa di te.

Autore : Marek Stepanek
Nazione : Italia
Luogo : Brennero/Brenner
Linea :
Rotabile : E 652-076 & E 652-059
Amministrazione : FS
Numero Treno / Nome Treno:
Periodo : Novembre - 1991
Categoria : Locomotive Elettriche

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